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The Changing Man

Detox. This feels like a food detox. Week two is going swimmingly well.  I’m getting right into messing about and experimenting with food. The changes I am experiencing are startling

Food Detox

A Life Of Surprises

I’m not following any restrictions and allowing myself to eat anything. Whether this is a good or bad thing remains to be seen.  I’m discovering as time goes on, I want processed, sugary food less and less.  I’ve not touched or even been tempted to have one (or more!) of the biscuits perched in the cupboard.  I’ve even cut down on bread.  Every day I surprise myself on this journey of discovery.

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Yesterday, and I didn’t do this consciously, I never consumed enough calories during the day and felt hungry but not to the extent of reaching into the biscuit jar.  A colleague brought in doughnuts.  I can barely even look at them.  The thought of all that sugar squirming around my body is now a complete turnoff.  Just two weeks ago, I would have gobbled down a couple with a few biscuits for good measure. Small but significant results. All helps on this weight loss journey.

noodles food detox

Whilst I didn’t have enough calories during the day, at least a good proportion of my calorie intake came from the keto shakes.  These are pretty pricey but do the job.  Once I’ve got through the two packs I purchased before starting, I’ll be swapping them for real food.  I also had instant noodles.  These, whilst low in calories, are heavily processed and they’ll have to go as well. It’s all about the change!

When Hunger Strikes!

Try And Think!

I got home from work and was quite hungry.  Before, I would have been reaching and grabbing anything I could.  Picking is one of the worst habits especially when you count calories, if you don’t log them.  There were some frozen French Fries and I’d decided long before I got home that I was going to consume with chicken from yesterday.

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My poor wife, who had a tooth extracted yesterday and was poorly all day, did make the effort to cook but I’d decided to eat and use up these French fries.  Yes, I know I should just throw the crappy processed shite out but I come from a generation where you simply don’t throw things out, especially food given the price.

Calorie Counting

Working On Portion Control

This is where having no restrictions comes in handy.  I wanted to see for myself just how many calories there were (and I never took a bloody photo cos I’m useless!) and what it looked like.  When they’d cooked, there was a fair amount on the plate so I took some off to what the packaging described as a normal portion.  Since I was a little short on calories I decided to eat the lot.  Not a problem but portion control is something I need to work on and how I space calories out during my day.

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The other slight change to my diet is I ditched the low-fat mayonnaise for full-fat.  Game changer!  Yes, there are many more calories (30 grams is just over 200) and it may not work if you are on more limited calories but for me, I can afford that luxury.  I found that full-fat mayo makes me feel a lot more satisfied than the light version. Tastes much better too.

Changing Goal Posts

Small Steps, Big Difference

Another little step in my lifestyle change but each one is significant.  With each small step that works, I find improvement.  So much of this is in the mind and blanking out all the temptations is difficult at first but gets easier each day.  The food industry is poisoning our minds and bodies with fake products and substandard foodstuff. This is human brainwashing.

I know my tone is a little aggressive. I’m feeling quite passionate about this but refuse to become an ‘activist’. Plenty of them about already! There’s quite enough of these idiots parading themselves around the planet protesting!

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That stance is something I believe.  They’re doing it because to sell products and are, after all, a money-making business.  All I’m doing is going on my own path with my own beliefs which I have the right to report in a blog like this.  There’s quite simply too much protesting going on, mostly from young idiots from a rich background or recently retired rich twerps with nothing better to do.

Anyway, I digress.  My point is to do what works for you.  Mess about, experiment and if you make the discoveries the same as me, don’t glue yourself to a road in protest.  Honestly, no fucker cares. Detox never felt so good.

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