a challenge walking

A Challenge

A challenge is something everyone should do when on a weight loss journey. My mission, which I chose to accept, was to spend a few hours in a busy Manchester pub with some hardcore drinking buddies. How did I get on?

The Challenge

Binge Drink Culture

Here in the UK, we have a terrible binge drink culture. The attitude is to have a good time, you must get bladdered. I mean so completely bereft of your senses that you don’t know what day it is. After getting in this kind of hapless state at the Yard Act gig on 16 March, something stirred inside that enough was enough. One drunken stupor too many. The effects of alcohol outweigh any slight positives.

I set myself a challenge to go out with my hardcore drinking work colleague and not touch a drop. I’m done with getting drunk and I don’t trust myself to ‘only’ have a couple. To add spice to the challenge, I left the car at home as we met in a city centre pub, The Moon Under The Water, a Weatherspoon’s hostilary.

a challenge of the moon under the water

I’m a hardcore binge drinker and drink with the sole purpose of getting as drunk as I possibly can. As my late mother always told me, “You don’t know when to stop, Derek”. On the other hand, I go months without touching a drop. Which in my eyes makes me a part-time alcoholic!

JD Weatherspoon

If you don’t know, JD Weatherspoon pubs are famous in the UK for cheap drinks and food. They are the go-to place for binge drinkers and they’re up and down the land. In most urban areas of the UK, you’re never far away from a Weatherspoon.

And they’re cheap compared with other pubs. For example, a pint of Guinness is £4-38 and in other pubs would be over £5, probably a lot more. When I’m in a busy pub I’m usually too drunk to take notice of prices. Or even care! I lose all concept of money after a few.

Not Driving

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To add spice to the challenge, I left the car at home. The David Bowie Candlelight concert was a trial run regarding not drinking and going out. But, I had that alcohol deterrent, the car, with me so it was never really an issue. I live so near to Manchester city centre that taking the car would be impractical anyway and I wanted to prove to myself that I could abstain from alcohol without the excuse of driving.

A Pleasant Walk

For a change, the weather was quite pleasant as I walked into the city, listening to the new Pearl Jam album for the umpteenth time. I took a slight detour via Strangeways Prison (official name HMP Manchester) and was impressed by how quick my pace is these days. I’d had a great weigh day, which made me want to complete this challenge even more. I’ve developed a determination not seen since starting this journey.

Don’t Spoil Things

I went into this challenge with the right mindset. Last time I felt this good, it was the start of a very slippery slope which lasted over two months. I was determined not to let this happen again. The timing of the challenge was perfect! I’d just got my hunger and desire back for weight loss and healthy living and I’m not about to let that slip.

Too Easy

I’ve said this many times, you have to stay on top. If I let my guard down, I can eat out of control. Eat till I’m sick. Am unstoppable. Alcohol makes this even worse especially the day after. Post Yard Act, I had the hangover from hell. I sat in the car gorging on chocolate bars like a pathetic addict. Not a nice place to be.

The Pub

As I entered, the stench of tobacco smoke hit me in the face as you have to walk past the smokers to enter. I still find it strange I’m not one of those. I don’t begrudge them the habit, I was a smoker for over forty years. Since quitting just over a year ago, I have noticed the stench of tobacco smoke significantly more. Like all ex-smokers, I still crave cigarettes, it’s a habit which never goes away!

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No/Low Alcohol Beer

For clarification, I’ve learned there are two types. Low alcohol has less than 0.5 % whilst no alcohol does what it says on the tin. Not something I’d thought about before but it could make a massive difference to some.

I’ve drunk before but not in great quantities. I am a big fan of German wheat beer, so I ordered an Erdinger low alcohol. There is a small amount of alcohol in Erdinger despite them billing the drink as alcohol-free. As I got from the bar, I was able to pour the bottle into the glass. Only my colleague who bought me the beer knew it was low alcohol! You could taste a very tiny hint of alcohol and that’s very nice! But so small it’s never ever going to have an effect.

Switch To Stella

After two Erdinger’s, I switched to Stella alcohol-free. I consumed three bottles and was done. Preferring to walk home than go to another pub with the lads. It was almost 5 PM on a Saturday and from a sober perspective, the pubs started getting quite unbearable! Five alcohol-free beers were enough for me. It was a strange experience, getting the taste of beer and some of the effects such as numerous trips to the toilets without the drunkenness!

No/Low vs Alcohol

Instead of doing the usual and writing off the day by counting nothing, I counted everything, including the beer. In general, no/low alcohol beers have around half the calories of their alcoholic counterparts. The Erdinger 500ml has 125 calores per bottle, and the Stella just 60. But, they’re not exactly healthy for you. Often, sugar is added to make them taste better. I found a good article on the Drink Well website, which explores in a bit more depth. The carb count is not good either. I found no/low alcohol less addictive than their alcoholic equivalent.

The Taste

My biggest criticism of no/low alcohol would be the taste is quite bitter. You’re not getting that alcohol kick which makes alcoholic beverages a lot more pleasant on the palette. The two I tried are drinkable enough. People kept buying me hence having three Stella’s. I wanted to try something else. Weatherspoon is good for non/low alcohol choices. As well as lager, there is cider and non-alcoholic cocktails. I fear that a lot of non-alcoholic options are laced with sugar and carbs though! As they’re not as addictive, you find yourself consuming less.

Enough Was Enough

I found five was quite enough and may have switched to soft drinks had I stayed out. I’d rate the Erdinger over Stella but both were more than drinkable. You get a taste of beer without the hassles of alcohol. I was being a bit anti-social listening to Cambridge United v Derby County, for half the time I was in the pub. My colleagues understood what a big match this was for us! Plus, I was stuck in a corner so it was hard to interact with folk.

Social Pressure

In hindsight, I wish I’d have kept my big mouth shut and not even mentioned I was abstaining from alcohol. I’d always planned to drink no/low and unless you read the bottle closely, you would have no idea. Or even care. But, me being me, I mentioned to a couple of colleagues I wasn’t going to drink and in true office style, it went around like wildfire. I have a history of being beyond bladdered in the company of these people and this is how they expect me to behave!

We sometimes come across situations when there is social pressure. A challenge was to get over this and be strong. I succeeded because I went in with the right attitude. I always intended to walk to and back from the city and was never going to have a beer proper. I came through the challenge with flying colours!

Slight Error

I don’t know why but I’d only eaten a baguette and cheese spread all day. I think because I never intended to stay in the pub too long and Larice said she was going to cook, I didn’t bother ordering food. So, I drank on an empty stomach! Then walked home. I was feeling quite sick and dizzy by the time I got back to the house.

The Aftermath

I got home and Larice was pleasantly surprised I didn’t stagger through the door bladdered! I asked her to order food which took an age to arrive. Then the eating began! And I ate like it was out of fashion! I counted everything as best I could. The results were not as bad as I envisaged. Yes, my carbs and calories were well over but over 15000 steps gave me a little leeway and I was well under 4000 calories.

step count part of a challenge

What If I’d Drunk Alcohol?

I tell you now, it would not have been pretty. Some stayed out until pushing midnight. I’d have lost control of EVERYTHING. Money, senses, diet, healthy lifestyle…. need I go on??? Sunday would have been a blowout as well. Would I look back and say I truly enjoyed myself? Probably not.


I’d suggest yes and no. Honestly, I wasn’t really in the mood to spend time in a busy pub but merely went along because a colleague had just retired and I went for him. There was a bigger-than-usual turnout for a social gathering. I find such an environment is only enjoyable when drinking. The anti-social behaviour of listening to football on headphones didn’t help the experience but it was a crucial match and I wanted to listen!

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Three hours was more than enough for me. I was happy to go home, sober and deep in thought. Next time the lads go out, I’ll give it another go. I don’t like drunkenness when I’m not drunk though. The talking nonsense and slurring speech. All makes perfect sense when consuming alcohol but looks a bit sad and odd when you’re sober! I’m not knocking it, been there and done that too many times!

Sensible Sunday

I woke up with a spring in my step. My day was borderline with calories and carbs. That’s fine. I did more walking in Heaton Park in the afternoon. After consuming a fair few carbs during the day (sausage roll & beef wellington!), I ate low-carb in the evening. I felt great. No hangover and no cravings for terrible food. This was a challenge I won!

A Challenge Completed

What a great thing to do! Not only abstaining from alcohol but counting on an out-of-control eating day! The latter was an added bonus which I’d not planned! I’m not saying for a second I’ll never drink alcohol again but whilst I’m unable to control my intake then I’d be a fool to get drunk. I don’t enjoy getting drunk any more. And this is the first time I’ve felt like this. If I can drink sensibly then I’d go back to alcohol. Interestingly, some of my colleagues happily sat there enjoying a few sociable drinks. For now, I need to abstain because I don’t trust myself if that addictive alcohol kick hits the back of my throat!

my net diary a challenge

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