embracing a positive weigh in

Embracing A Positive Weigh Day

Current Weight (14 September 2024) – 119.9 Kg, 18.88 Stone, 264.33 Pounds

Weekly Weight Loss – 06 Kg, 1.32 pounds

Weight Loss so far… 17.8 Kilograms, 2.8 Stone, 39.24 Pounds

Weekly Summary

Not Always About The Weight Loss!

Embracing a positive weigh day is something you need to behold and cherish when it comes your way. As I’ve been reporting on Instagram, I’ve lost nothing in four months. Well, I have but managed to in my usual slapdash manner put the bugger back on. When discovering this lack of progression just over a week ago, that along with the fact I’d had the most hideous weekend of consumption possible, seemed to amalgamate and get right into my head.

After such a good week, I should be disappointed at such a small margin of weight loss but I’m not. Quite the opposite. I know what a bad weekend I’d had and was merely playing catch up.

I went into the week with apprehension. 72-hours at work would surely heap more misery upon me? But no, I breezed through the week eating between 2,000 and 2,500 calories a day. I’ve even carried this on to today despite a middle-of-the-night 1000 calorie session in front of  the very last episode of The Grand Tour.

embracing a positive weigh day

That eating was needs must as I had chronic insomnia due to sleeping too much throughout Sunday. It feels like a little blip in my newfound energy to start shifting weight again.

Embracing A Positive Weigh In

The Importance Of Documenting

Never has the importance of documenting and reporting come to the forefront. More the weekly weigh in than anything else. Had I not realized there was such a lack of progression then I may well have done nothing about it. This is what us food addicts do. We deny the truth.

embracing a positive weigh day

It’s easier to slump down in front of the telly with masses of Ultra-Processed Food (UPF) isn’t it???

Easier, yes.  More fulfilling in the long run? No.

Embracing A Positive Weigh In

What I’m Eating

I’d be lying if I made any bold claims to eating well. More mixing things up and concentrating on calorie intact. In many ways, this feels like starting all over again. The recent frustrations and lack of effort has really hit home so I’m not being too over bothered by what I’m eating. Just how much I’m eating.

It feels like I’ve gone back to basics. Listen to my app and keep the calories down. I think I muddled my head with too much information about the “right way” of doing things. There is no right way, just your way. I was getting swamped and drowning in a sea of what and what not to eat. All roads lead to embracing a positive weigh day, learning, and moving on.

This eventually becomes too much; I’m mixing clean and UPF foods as best I can and fighting the addictive nature of UPF.

Moving Ahead


This feels like a second coming. Could this be the start of something special? I’m a firm believer that everything happens for a reason. Yes, I’m annoyed at the lack of progression. Four months is a third of a year. Just think what I might have lost had I implemented just a little effort and focus. But life is like that. If the mind is not in the right place, then that’s big trouble.

Nothing last forever but I’m determined to give this new-found inspiration a fair crack of the whip. I let my guard slip without even realizing.  So, it’s not all about weight loss when your embracing a positive weigh in.

The Week Ahead

Can I do this for another week? Of course! You must inject positivism into life. That rarity of a good weekend is under my belt. Amazing how much better you feel when you leave a weekend unscathed. I’d returned to so many bad habits over the weekend. These included mostly booze and takeaways. The week was always playing catch up.

Photo of Dogs Running

But today I feel great because I haven’t had that kind of weekend.

Staying focused means staying sharper. The blog has been neglected as well. Time to fix that too.

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