the power of a good week.

The Power Of A Good Week

Unlocking Success

Current Weight (21 Sept 2024): 119.1 Kg, 18.75 Stone, 262.57 Pounds
Weekly Weight Loss: 0.6 Kg, 1.32 Pounds
Weight Loss So Far… 17.8 Kg, 2.8 Stone, 39.24 Pounds

Weekly Summary

The power of a good week overwhelmed me to the point that I became a little too confident. This is never good in the diet game!

When I stepped on the scales, a wave of disappointment pierced right through me. My heart sank. I felt I deserved to lose more. Less than a kilo? All that hard work and dedication for very little return? Then, I took a step back and digested the situation.

We always want everything yesterday. Weight loss is no different—a beast around the neck.

Thankfully, after I calmed down, I admitted it had been a good week. This is more than mere weight loss. It would help if you looked at the whole picture.

I may not have lost much weight, but I’m feeling terrific—there’s a spring in my step. That feeling of flab and frumpiness evaporated. As I reported last week, it’s not always about the loss.

The Power Of A Good Week: The Good

I counted every day. There were only two days when I was going over. I’ve cut down significantly. It’s the only way to unlock success. The power of a good week brings a feeling like no other. I’ve learned once and for all that it’s not about the numeric weight loss. I kept a tight reign on consumption.

the power of a good week

I’m getting used to counting and cutting down daily. After staying in limbo for months, I’ve recently taken a back-to-basics approach.

This is the first time in a long time I’ve stuck with it. No alcohol. There was plenty of movements and steps.

The Power Of A Good Week: The Bad

My diet was roughly 50% Ultra-Processed Food (UPF) and 50% Unprocessed/Clean foods. I’ve taken a don’t give a shit attitude to food. I was eating anything and everything. Last week, I consumed chocolate, crisps and snacks, albeit in small amounts. Whether overeating UPF is hampering weight loss progression remains to be seen. I’ve taught myself to cut down and count. The more I track, the more I crave to make this work.

My mojo has returned. In hindsight, maybe “only” losing less than a kilo is a help, not a hindrance. Instead of sighing relief when you’ve had an excellent loss and removing the shackles for a bit, I find myself determined to keep going.

verona, italy, punishment

Eating what I want is helping. I became too bogged down in the minefields of information about what you should and shouldn’t eat, becoming so overwhelmed I got to the stage of quitting.

I was never serious about quitting but did have thoughts on the matter. It’s tough, but the power of a good week gives you hope and inspiration.

Maybe Weight Watchers were right all along. Eat what you like and stay within your limits. But that is not as easy as it sounds!

The Power Of A Good Week – The Next Challenge

You should never be disappointed with any weight loss. We are only human and can’t help ourselves. I’m feeling invigorated. My clothes are a little looser. Given how lapsed my attitude towards the diet was throughout August and early September, this week’s reading truly reflects where I’m now.

The next challenge is: Can I turn the power of a good week into two or three weeks? Every time I’ve been on a roll, I’ve cracked.

Person Lying on Bed Covering White Blanket

Breezing through the weekend helped, but chronic insomnia when changing work hours didn’t. I soldiered through; you must have a strong mindset for this. After the insomnia, I had my worst day. I ate at night because I could not sleep, but I overcame the hurdle by counting everything and seeing the figures before my face.

I feel eating what I want and not restricting is critical here. I’m eating plenty of clean foods and getting a fix for UPF. Look at last night’s dinner—pot Noodles, Scotch Eggs, and Baked Beans!!! Despite being laced with bad things, it tasted so good!

the power of a good week

The Week Ahead

Keep going because you can do it! Am I finally putting the disappointments of the last few months behind me?

Only I can unlock the answer!

It’s amazing how the power of a good week can make you feel so positive.

Act accordingly, and more success will be forthcoming!

My Challenge is 2,000 calories a day… every day for a week.

So many times, I’ve let myself down with challenges, but this feels somewhat different.

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