preparing for a holiday: staying focused

Preparing For A Holiday: Staying Focused

Weigh Day #39

Saturday, 3 August 2024

Current Weight (3 August 2024): 117.5 Kg, 18.5 Stone, 259.04 Pounds

Weekly Weight Gain: 0.4 Kg, 0.88 Pounds

Total Weight Loss: 20.2 kg, 3.18 Stone, 44.55 Pounds

Weekly Summary

preparing for a holiday. pexels-photo-413960-413960.jpg

Preparing for a holiday and staying focused have been going through my mind all week. It’s just so damn hard, eh? One foot already on the plane, I’ve been endlessly looking at pictures of the resort and reading reviews of the hotel. I’m one of those who only starts getting excited about a week before.

This is the point where a diet becomes tricky. The weekend was pretty bad. I had a few good days, and then eating descended into chaos on Thursday and yesterday. Unsurprisingly, there was a slight gain, as I was munching late last night despite promising myself I wouldn’t do so. Old habits die hard!

It’s good to weigh myself first thing Saturday after last week’s confusing weigh-in. I got two different readings anyway, so if I had taken the first reading last Saturday evening, I wouldn’t have put anything on!

It’s no big deal, but I wanted a good week before we jet off to the sun, so it failed. Failure is part of the weight-loss process!

Eating Clean – An Update

Attempts to eat cleaner were okay, but I hit the biscuits on Thursday. As always, this ‘food’ is so addictive that once you start, there’s no stopping! However, I’ve generally been eating cleaner and felt so much better when I had good days. It’s something to work on when I return from Turkey!

preparing for a holiday, tuna omelette

I’ve certainly not abandoned clean eating, which I will keep working on.

Preparing For A Holiday – The Struggle

Undoubtedly, the holiday on my mind has caused me to struggle this week. I wouldn’t say I was bad, but I wasn’t terribly good either. I’ve been doing this long enough to know that beating yourself up when things descend does no good. If you’re in a sticky patch, you must see it through and, at the very least, don’t put on too much.


This is where focus and monitoring become critical. You’ll start putting on weight if you completely take your eye off the ball. Don’t let that happen! Stay focused, and you’ll be alright.

Coping With A Holiday

We had a mini-break in Italy back in February. I got through that unscathed, but ten days all-inclusive in the sun is a different proposition altogether. I’ve never weighed myself before or after a holiday, so I will do this in the name of experimentation.

I’ve resigned to two weeks off counting and dieting, but I am determined not to let myself go completely. We all need a holiday from counting, measuring, worrying, and trying to lose weight! I mean, how much can I gain in two weeks?

I’d probably be surprised if I didn’t stay focused!

Preparing For A Holiday – Temptations

If the past holidays are anything to go by, I’ll walk and swim often. I never seem to put much weight on despite eating and drinking stupid amounts every day, so I have always assumed this helps, but I’m not sure. Maybe I eat and drink less than I think.

I’m going to try to eat the right foods, though. The buffet will have plenty of fish, meat, and vegetables. But of course, there will be temptations all around! I’d be lying if I said I wouldn’t sample the desserts!

Preparing For A Holiday – Enjoy Yourself!

Never let your weight loss aspirations ruin your holiday! Worrying and not enjoying yourself is too easy because you know you’ll overdo things. Keep weight loss on the back burner, but don’t let go of the concept. Keeping active on holiday, if you can, will help you. I spend hours in the sea—I can’t get enough of it!

Enjoyment is the most pleasing aspect of a break. A chance to recharge the battery before going again.

Your holiday is your time. I was over three stone heavier in Tunisia this time last year, but I still didn’t let it hamper my enjoyment. Yes, I felt uncomfortable and knew something needed to be done about my weight, but after a few beers, I soon forgot! This year, I plan to be more focused and keep it in my mind without letting it spoil proceedings. Remember, you’ve earned this holiday, and you deserve it!

A Reset Is Coming

Monday, August 19th, is reset day. Coincidentally, it’s my late father’s birthday! I need to take stock and evaluate. Trying harder and being stricter are at the top of the agenda. The summer will be almost over, so it’s a good time to reassess everything.

Also, coincidentally, my first More Life meeting for three months is scheduled (having missed the last two), so this is another good opportunity to spring myself into action.

However, it’s important not to completely let myself go, so focus has to stay in the back of my mind at all times!

preparing for a holiday

As I type, I’ve eaten bad food and can feel it. This stuff is addictive and offers little nutritional value. I am tempted to let myself go, so I must be strong! This reminds me of how much I hate this feeling of bloatedness from too much Ultra-Processed food, carbs and sugar.

The Weeks Ahead

I’ve resigned to the fact that Monday, 19th August, is a reset day. I want to assess everything that’s happened so far. My journey will be four days shy of ten months. Admittedly, it’s been a struggle recently. Always find it difficult to diet in the summer. If I can blog from Turkey, I will. The next weigh day will be Wednesday morning, the day we leave, and I’ll weigh again on Sunday morning when we return.

While it’s important to enjoy your holiday, it’s just as important to remember your weight loss program, especially when breaking away from a normal routine.

And Finally…

Ah, I’ve always wanted to say that! Or write in this case. We Brits are mad dog owners. We love our furry friends more than some people, and our dog, Bowie, or my freeloading friend, turned five last week. He’s an extraordinary animal and brings joy and happiness to everyone’s lives. Here’s to the next five years!

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