Why Do You Need To Change Tactics When Dieting?

Coping With A Change Of Circumstance

Weigh Day #31

Coping with a change of circumstance is something which constantly dogs your life. When work or life patterns change, you have to adjust accordingly and that’s not always easy. A week on the night shift was always going to present problems. It’s essential to look at such hurdles as challenges which have solutions. Don’t fall for the easy option of giving up before you begin. We’ve all done that far too many times. So, with nervousness and exhaustion, I plonked my feet on the scales.

Weight – 118.7 Kilos, 18.66 Stone

Weekly Weight Gain – 0.2 kilos, 0.44 pounds

Total Weight Loss – 19 kilos, 2.99 stone

BMI – 41 (Obese), Total BMI Loss – 6.5

BMI Target – 25

Check Your BMI

Song Of The Week

With an election looming in the UK, I couldn’t help but think of this toe-tapping belter. Over 40 years on and NOTHING has changed.

Paul Weller Official Website

Change Of Circumstance

How To Cope

A change of circumstance in life is challenging; last week proved to be no different. I loved the night shift, less work for more money! In many ways, it suits me more than my current 2-10 shift but there were downsides. Aren’t there always downsides to something good?

Riding High!

I’ve been riding the crest of a wave recently, so something was always bound to give. It’s impossible to lose weight every week and this is something I’ve accepted. You have to think long-term ALL THE TIME. Remember, it’s a damn sight easier to give up than to keep going! You must programme yourself that failure is not an option.


After a week off where, for once, I got things done, it was back to reality. I should be more peeved at the slight weight gain but am not at all. I expected it. The week has been messed up by a mixture of slight overeating, serious lack of sleep and lethargy throughout which I’ve not experienced for some time. You sometimes know inside how you feel and after feeling good for weeks, I didn’t feel anywhere near as good and got worse at the week progressed.

Don’t Panic!

The difference nowadays is I never panicked once. I just carried on and got through the week as best I could. This is what you need to do if you’re struggling.

Coping with a change of circumstance

Cream and jam goody at my desk in the middle of the night!

More valuable lessons learned. Everybody has to deal with change. It’s not the change, it’s how you cope. I think I’ve done ruddy well this week considering. A slight gain yes and annoyed I’ve gone under the three-stone loss mark but no massive damage. The learning continues and never stops.

What’s important is you find your own path and stick to it. Experiment as much as you like or if you find a plan you can stick with then go for it! My biggest problem has always been NOT being able to stick with plans. But, every single one of us is different and this losing weight malarky is not a case of one size fits (or in our case often doesn’t fit) all.

Continued Diet Experiments

Carbs Back To Calories

I changed the My Net Diary app from low carb back to calories on Thursday. Why would I do this? I’ve not been getting enough protein and fibre so been researching. I made the executive decision to buy two things I’d completely stopped buying.

Sourdough Bread

coping with a change of circumstance

This benefits of sourdough bread article on EatingWell sold it to me. Great to be back in the land of bread although this is completely controlled! No out-of-control sandwiches or toast, butter and peanut butter. Although, I’m consuming the latter on my new-found bread chum with full-fat mayonnaise. Hmmm, peanut butter and mayo? Bloody tasty. A wave of fat goodness inside. Everything is in control. That’s critical to success, keep everything under control at all times. No eye off the ball! Bad days yes but remember the long-term plans! A Marvellous meal and less than 600 calories. Two hours after consuming, I’m still full!

coping with a change of circumstances.

Another benefit is this is quick, easy and I can slouch in front of the telly when eating! I find sourdough bread much thicker in consistency than normal bread and a heck of a lot more filling. Compared to normal, the price is quite hefty (around double, the loaf above was £2-10) but as I always say, what price is a healthy lifestyle!

High Fibre Bran

coping with a change of circumstance

I’ve almost completely given up milk so I mixed 40 grams with no-fat Greek yoghurt, cacao powder and Canderel for a quick dessert. Very tasty, low in calories and high in fibre. This is very flexible, you can add nuts and/or frozen fruit for example but important for me to get the old fibre in!

Another in front of the TV winner! I like going against the grain and eating in front of the telly and just before bed. Take that boffins in white coats and so-called experts. I think my figures speak for themselves! The problem with many lifestyle and diet changes is they’re too restrictive in one way or another. I’m not having this any more.

You CAN LOSE WEIGHT and live the life you want!

The Result

Finally Enough Fibre and Protein!

I’ve been on a seemingly endless mission, finding foods that increase fibre and protein levels. I think I’ve finally managed to crack it at last! I’m delighted. As always, some slight tweaking is constantly needed.

Finally enough fibre in my diet!

Where It Went Wrong This Week

I knew it wasn’t going great. Yet, ironically, I never went over 3000 calories any day. I never got enough exercise (I missed walking my freeloading fur buddy!), sleep or general well-being. By the end of the week, I felt shattered and out of sorts. As you can see from the graph on the app, plenty of red throughout the week! The important thing is finding solutions to problems. Sometimes you just know. You’re gonna have a bad week, you’re going to have disappointments. That is the sad reality of life!

It could have been a heck of a lot worse!

The Weigh-In

Feeling Nervous

Probably the most nervous I’ve felt about a weigh-in since the first one after Christmas. And what a blooming disaster that was! That was then, this is now and over 12 kilos lighter since that post! Weeks like this are another reason why you must stay focused and not let your guard slip. A 200-gram gain is fine. With the change of circumstances, this was expected.


I thought about how I used to be and how I’d give up so easily. Yet nowadays, a bad/tricky week makes me more determined to be better the next week. This is how it should be. If you don’t resign yourself to a lifetime of plotting, counting, experimenting and staying on top of your food habits, then you’re destined to be overweight and miserable forever. You owe it to yourself to at least try, no matter where you are in life’s fascinating journey.

Coping With Change

This is dependent on circumstance. I mean, in my case it was simply a different shift pattern. But you have to go through life-changing events such as moving house or the death of a loved one. Eating habits can be the last thing on your mind but what’s important is when the dust settles go back to how you were before. Nobody can predict anything in the future but you can continue to tread a path to a healthier and happier lifestyle. You deserve this.

Take life on the chin and if you think logically, you can cope with any change of circumstance. I constantly mutter to myself… “STOP AND THINK… STOP AND THINK…” But, this is not always possible as thoughts and habits can get out of control. Feeling thinner is feeling happier and this week, I simply didn’t feel it.

The Week Ahead

An Air Of Normality!

From a sleep perspective, I’ll return to my normal work pattern next week which makes me delighted! I’ve not been this tired in a long time. If the night shift became available I would consider but there’d be many factors to think about. For a week, it’s only very slightly hampered proceedings but hampered nonetheless. Am I bothered? Nope because I keep learning every single week on this journey.

Plan Of Action


  • Keep fibre and protein levels high
  • Get enough sleep
  • Up my step count
  • Calories around the just over 2000 mark but less than 2500

And the most important rule….. KEEP GOING!!!!

See you Weigh Day #32!

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