Change Your Way

Weight Loss, Well-Being, Self-Improvement

Confessions Of A Food Addict

Starting Weight (23 October 2023) – 137.7 Kilograms, 21.68 Stone, 303.57 Pounds

Current Weight (28 September 2024) – 119.3 Kilograms, 18.78 Stone, 263.01 Pounds

Weight Loss so far… 18.4 Kilograms, 2.89 Stone, 40.56 Pounds

Only You Can Make It Happen!

A Health & Lifestyle Blog For The Over 50’s

Change your way! You can do it because you deserve to succeed! This is a weight loss journey by a bloke who spent his whole life desperate to lose weight. I found being fat a burden but not a hindrance. You are what you are. I certainly lacked confidence, felt uncomfortable, and was desperately unhappy. Something had to change. I took comfort from knowing I was not alone, but that didn’t stop me from feeling alone. Furthermore, there are many health drawbacks to being obese. But, being addicted to food, there is never the right time to start, is there????

Yes there is and that time is now. Right now.

Welcome to my world. In October 2023, I finally decided enough was enough. I’d set myself on a mission to lose weight for good. Too much indulgence over the years turned me into a wreck. The first battle was quitting smoking after 40 years, . Once that hurdle was cleared, I had to lose weight. I was 54. Carry on in the same vein and I was undoubtedly heading for an early grave. However, much as it can be a pain in the backside, I enjoy life and what it has to give.

The Food & Diet Industry

Change Your Way!


You possibly don’t think about food in the right way. I certainly didn’t. Once you get into the mechanics of the food and diet industries, their unscrupulous practices become mind-boggling. Did you know there are 61? Yes, 61 names for sugar!!!! Meanwhile, I’m trying to think outside the box about losing weight and how I live my life.

Moreover, as time passes, I get angrier about how companies practice and preach. I know they’re making money, but they’re preying on the vulnerable. When you’re fat, believe me, you have a vulnerability you don’t realize exists.

About This Change Your Way Blog

What started as a weight loss blog is slowly developing into something more. I’m your typical 50-something British bloke. Lover of football/soccer (Cambridge United… and stop sniggering at the back!) and music (like most folk, pretty much anything goes!). I get confused by the modern world and often drown in disbelief at the sheer madness. But I soldier on regardless. I loathe wokeness, political correctness and crap like sustainability. Additionally, don’t get me started on climate change and disruptive twerps like Just Stop Oil. I say Stop!

change your way 2013

The Abbey Stadium, Cambridge, 2013. I was 100 kilos (16 Stone)

My number one priority is to help people like me. These are people desperate to change their ways. They have no idea where to start. You must want to do this from within and never give up, no matter how tempting.

I’ve made many mistakes along the way. I descended back into old habits. I’ve learned that the best approach is to brush the dust off and get on with the job at hand.

I’m a self-confessed food addict. In October 2023, I decided after many false starts to do something about my weight and lifestyle for good. The timing felt right after the 2023 health setbacks, and I wanted to share my journey.

If I can inspire just one person to start losing weight, then it’s job done!

Myself and our beloved dog, Bowie, pictured in April 2021.  Change your way.

Me and my beloved Labrador Bowie, April 2021, Manchester

My Background

I come from a family of big eaters. Weight has always been a problem, and I’ve struggled with obesity all my life. I was always the fat kid at school, often referred to as fatty Franklin. They always picked me last for football and threw in the goal because that’s where the fat people went. Best place for the lard bucket! Even when I was young, my eating habits were out of control. I remember nipping to the corner shop before dinner. bought apple pies and stuffed them down my neck as fast as possible. Food addiction is no joke. It is never really recognized as a problem by medical bods in white coats with shiny clipboards.

Me and my late mother, Germany, 1982, aged 13.

This continued into adulthood, and my weight went up and down—what experts call a yo-yo dieter. I don’t remember being less than 98 kilos, around 15 and a half stone. I fluctuated between 100 and 120 kilos (16 and 19 stone) for many years. Then I got huge—not once but twice. To get to 140 kilos (22 stone) once is slapdash, but twice is unforgivable.

Health Problems

Change Your Way!

In 2023, my health took a turn for the worse. After all, I’d been slowly putting weight back on since 2010, when I lost 40 kilos. I was fairly active in my job, which made the weight gain a slow process. When I changed to a more office-based job, that triggered my eating to go completely out of control. In March 2023, I was having serious breathing problems, which led to me quitting smoking after 40 years. Not because I wanted to but because I had to! The fact I managed to achieve this inspired me to finally do something about my weight and lifestyle. These events were basically the health warnings I needed to change your way.

One Month Before Change Your Way

Blimey, look at that!!! Burly or what? Captured on Google Street View in September 2023, a month before starting.

That is how enormous I’d become, and I’ve put this on here as a reminder of where I got to! Enough is enough!

The Challenge

My goal is to get down to a healthy weight. It doesn’t matter how long it takes. This is a place I’ve never been! After a lifetime of obesity and yo-yo dieting, something finally snapped in October 2023. At 54 and almost a half, I felt it was now or never. The health problems I’d already suffered earlier in the year caused even worse obesity. I ended up a shocking 137.7 kilograms. I’ve lost weight before, and in 2009/10, I shed six stone (40 kilos) after Weightwatchers. It worked then. Now I’m older and (allegedly) wiser. I’ve learned that it’s much more about simply cutting down the calories. To coin a cliche, you are what you eat and can change your way.

Every Saturday morning, I weigh myself. I blog about the week over the weekend, sharing thoughts and feelings. This helps immensely with my health and weight loss journey.

Weigh Days should help you too. To inspire you to start a weight loss journey. Make your life and yourself feel so much better. Remember, YOU CAN DO IT!

This category includes blogs about healthier living and my new lifestyle. After all, learning and sharing as progression made so you can think differently about your approach to food and lifestyle.

I never stop learning and discovering new things; I want to share everything I can to help others!

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Me and my wife, Larice, Tunisia, August 2023. I was almost 140 kilos.

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